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作者: 超維度工作室/編
出版社: 博碩
出版日期: 2003-04-11
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT580.00
市场价格: RM89.20
本店售价: RM78.50
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  在函式編排上,本書是以程式命令及函式的功能來分類,例如:「Array Functions」、「FTP Functions」、「Image Functions」等。編寫架構依循適用版本、語法格式、說明、範例程式、相關參考函式等清楚的條例解說讓您能夠依照所需要的領域,查詢函式功能並參考範例加速運用。


  • chapter 1. Apache-specific Functions
  • chapter 2. Array Functions
  • chapter 3. Aspell functions [deprecated]
  • chapter 4. BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions
  • chapter 5. Bzip2 Compression Functions
  • chapter 6. Calendar functions
  • chapter 7. CCVS API Functions
  • chapter 8. COM support functions for Windows
  • chapter 9. Class/Object Functions
  • chapter 10. ClibPDF functions
  • chapter 11. Crack functions
  • chapter 12. CURL, Client URL Library Functions
  • chapter 13. Cybercash payment functions
  • chapter 14. Credit Mutuel CyberMUT functions
  • chapter 15. Cyrus IMAP administration functions
  • chapter 16. Character type functions
  • chapter 17. Database (dbm-style) abstraction layer functions
  • chapter 18. Date and Time functions
  • chapter 19. dBase functions
  • chapter 20. DBM Functions
  • chapter 21. dbx functions
  • chapter 22. DB++ Functions
  • chapter 23. Direct IO functions
  • chapter 24. Directory functions
  • chapter 25. DOM XML functions
  • chapter 26. .NET functions
  • chapter 27. Error Handling and Logging Functions
  • chapter 28. FrontBase Functions
  • chapter 29. filePro functions
  • chapter 30. Filesystem functions
  • chapter 31. Forms Data Format functions
  • chapter 32. FriBiDi functions
  • chapter 33. FTP functions
  • chapter 34. Function Handling functions
  • chapter 35. Gettext
  • chapter 36. GMP functions
  • chapter 37. HTTP functions
  • chapter 38. Hyperwave functions
  • chapter 39. Hyperwave API functions
  • chapter 40. iconv functions
  • chapter 41. Image functions
  • chapter 42. IMAP, POP3 and NNTP functions
  • chapter 43. Informix functions
  • chapter 44. InterBase functions
  • chapter 45. Ingres II functions
  • chapter 46. IRC Gateway Functions
  • chapter 47. PHP / Java Integration
  • chapter 48. LDAP functions
  • chapter 49. Mail functions
  • chapter 50. mailparse functions
  • chapter 51. Mathematical Functions
  • chapter 52. Multi-Byte String Functions
  • chapter 53. MCAL functions
  • chapter 54. Mcrypt Encryption Functions
  • chapter 55. Mhash Functions
  • chapter 56. Mimetype Functions
  • chapter 57. Microsoft SQL Server functions
  • chapter 58. Ming functions for Flash
  • chapter 59. Miscellaneous functions
  • chapter 60. mnoGoSearch Functions
  • chapter 61. mSQL functions
  • chapter 62. MySQL Functions
  • chapter 63. Mohawk Software session handler functions
  • chapter 64. muscat functions
  • chapter 65. Network Functions
  • chapter 66. Ncurses terminal screen control functions
  • chapter 67. Lotus Notes functions
  • chapter 68. Unified ODBC functions
  • chapter 69. Object Aggregation/Composition Functions
  • chapter 70. Oracle 8 functions
  • chapter 71. OpenSSL functions
  • chapter 72. Oracle functions
  • chapter 73. Ovrimos SQL functions
  • chapter 74. Output Control Functions
  • chapter 75. Object property and method call overloading
  • chapter 76. PDF functions
  • chapter 77. Verisign Payflow Pro functions
  • chapter 78. PHP Options&Information
  • chapter 79. POSIX functions
  • chapter 80. PostgreSQL functions
  • chapter 81. Process Control Functions
  • chapter 82. Program Execution functions
  • chapter 83. Printer functions
  • chapter 84. Pspell Functions
  • chapter 85. GNU Readline
  • chapter 86. GNU Recode functions
  • chapter 87. Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible)
  • chapter 88. qtdom functions
  • chapter 89. Regular Expression Functions (POSIX Extended)
  • chapter 90. Semaphore, Shared Memory and IPC Functions
  • chapter 91. SESAM database functions
  • chapter 92. Session handling functions
  • chapter 93. Shared Memory Functions
  • chapter 94. Shockwave Flash functions
  • chapter 95. SNMP functions
  • chapter 96. Socket functions
  • chapter 97. String functions
  • chapter 98. Sybase functions
  • chapter 99. Tokenizer functions
  • chapter 100. URL Functions
  • chapter 101. Variable Functions
  • chapter 102. vpopmail functions
  • chapter 103. W32api functions
  • chapter 104. WDDX Functions
  • chapter 105. XML parser functions
  • chapter 106. XML-RPC functions
  • chapter 107. XSLT functions
  • chapter 108. YAZ functions
  • chapter 109. YP/NIS Functions
  • chapter 110. Zip File Functions (Read Only Access)
  • chapter 111. Zlib Compression Functions