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拉羅: (伊斯王)序曲等管絃樂作品集 / 尼米.賈維 指揮 / 愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團
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拉羅: (伊斯王)序曲等管絃樂作品集 / 尼米.賈維 指揮 / 愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團

出版社: Chandos
出版日期: 2024-01-19
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT599.00
市场价格: RM115.97
本店售价: RM103.21
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作曲家: Edouard Lalo
指揮家: Neeme Jarvi
樂團: Estonian National Symphony Orchestra

Lalo considered himself to be first and foremost an opera composer, even though Le Roi d'Ys was his only opera to be performed in his lifetime. He is now best known for his symphonic and chamber music, largely because of the highly political musical establishment in France in his time. The Overture to the opera (which opens this album) is now the best-known music from the piece, which proved a considerable success in France. His ballet Namouna was commissioned by the Paris Opera and, remarkably, was completed in just four months following extensive delays in agreeing the subject – part of the tales of Casanova. After a successful run of fifteen performances, Lalo parcelled the music up into three 'rhapsodies' for orchestral performance. The first two of these were published as Suites Nos 1 and 2. The third was not published, but the 'Valse de le Cigarette' was later issued separately. Lalo's only surviving Symphony was completed in 1886, but somewhat overshadowed by Saint-Saens's Organ Symphony (1886) and Franck's Symphony in D minor (1888), but it is a strong work that showcases Lalo's melodic gift and forward-looking harmonic palette.


1. Overture to 'Le Roi d'Ys' 11:44
Opera in Three Acts and Five Tableaux

2. Valse de la cigarette from 'Namouna' 5:39
Ballet in Two Acts and Three Tableaux

Suite No. 1 from 'Namouna' 21:42
Ballet in Two Acts and Three Tableuax
3. 1 Prelude. A L. P. de Fourcaud. Andante 5:23
4. 2 Serenade. A F. de Sarasate. Allegro - Sans presser 2:32
5. 3 Theme varie. A C. Saint-Saens. Andante 4:54
6. 4 AParades de foire. A Hans de Bulow. Allegro vivace - Plus lent - 5:12
7. 4 BFete foraine. A Hans de Bulow. Presto - Danse3:28

Suite No. 2 from 'Namouna' 13:05
Ballet in Two Acts and Three Tableaux
8. 1 Danses marocaines. Vivace - Un peu cede - Plus vite 2:20
9. 2 Mazurka. Lent - Vite - Lent. Tempo I - Vite - Pressez 2:25
10. 3 Dolce far niente (La Sieste). Allegretto quasi Andantino 3:58
11. 4 Pas des cymbales. Moderato - Pressez 2:40
12. 5 Presto - Pressez 1:28

Symphony 24:58

13. I Andante - Allegro non troppo 8:24
14. II Vivace - Cedez un peu - Tempo I - 4:47
15. III Adagio 5:51
16. IV Allegro 5:45

Total time: 76:30