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THE DOLL 怖娃娃(中英對照)
THE DOLL 怖娃娃(中英對照)
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THE DOLL 怖娃娃(中英對照)

作者: 陳立恩
出版社: 白象文化
出版日期: 2015-10-01
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT320.00
市场价格: RM49.20
本店售价: RM43.30
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详细介绍 商品属性 商品标记

If you discover that your beloved doll was alive, you will…

  ◎The reason that makes the plot good was not just because of the chilling plot, it also has a very thoughtful ending, which is very moving.

  ◎It make the human evil more specific, creating a powerful demon-Datan. When evil grew from one’s heart, the person will be manipulated, if cannot reflect him/herself, the person will step into a doomed state for all eternity.

  ◎The book tells us good and evil were just a few steps apart. It also explains the root of chaotic society, that people lose humanity from their good soul one part at a time.




  This is the third novel written by the teenage writer, he has a wide variety of writing material, but has a completely different style. And for sharing it with more readers, he even translated it into Chinese, for his elementary school teacher, who has taught him Chinese.

  A thirteen year old boy with a mature thought that suppressed his age. Through observing, he knows the chaos and mess within society, all because of humans. When they think things initially with bad intentions, they cannot stay alert, or cannot control or reflect themselves, causing chaos. The author wants to mix this thought with the suspenseful plot, to make people know the truth of the world, and took every step cautiously.

  The boy
uses his delicate thoughts and simple ways of viewing the world, with a storytelling technique, to create Kelly, a normal innocent girl, and just because she was king on dolls, she was manipulated by evil, making her stepping closer and closer to the demon, which took away her normal, happy life.