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作者: WAYMARK語學習工作室
出版社: 九角文化事業有限公司
出版日期: 2004-07-01
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT249.00
市场价格: RM38.30
本店售价: RM33.70
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详细介绍 商品属性 商品标记

  「BLL基礎語言學習研究社」是由曾在日本大阪市外國語大學、神戶女學院大學等修習外國語言資深英文教師及外籍專業編輯群所組成的社團,以多年編訂教材的經驗,推出針對學習中等程度英語的一系列學習書,階段式提升學習英語的能力,讓您在學業及工作上得心應手,達成修習英語全方位聽說讀寫ALL PASS!


  Chapter1 英文電子郵件的基礎知識
  1.1 寫英文電子郵件之前
  1.2 英文電子郵件的基本形式
  1.3 如何安全使用電子郵件

  Chapter 2 文章開頭˙問候之相關表現
  2.1 電子郵件的開頭
  Email opening address
  2.2 就職等情形的問候語
  Informing new appointment etc.
  2.3 調職問候語
  Informing transfer
  2.4 調職˙辭職問候語
  Addressing career switch and/or retirement
  2.5 季節問候語(聖誕節&新年)
  Season’s greetings: X’mas and New Year’s Day
  2.6 其他問候語
  A variety of ways of greeting
  2.7 各種問候語
  Other ways of greetings

  Chapter 3 邀請˙招待之相關表現
  3.1 專題研討會的邀請函
  Invitation to seminars
  3.2 午餐邀請  
  Invitation to Lunch
  3.3 非正式聚會的邀請  
  Invitation to a casual party
  3.4 正式聚會的邀請  
  Invitation to a formal party
  3.5 展示會通知  
  Invitation to an exhibition
  3.6 公司內外部會議的聯絡  
  Holding a meeting inside/outside the company
  3.7 辦公室搬遷通知  
  Notice about office moves
  3.8 搬遷之後相關業務連絡  
  Business communication concerning office moves
  3.9 新辦公室設立˙關閉等的通知  
  Notice about opening or closing offices

  Chapter 4 各種禮儀表現
  4.1 書信或電子郵件禮儀  
  Gratitude for letters and mails
  4.2 祝賀禮儀  
  4.3 合作˙支援禮儀  
  Gratitude for cooperation and assistance
  4.4 客服相關禮儀  
  Gratitude for customers’ inquiries
  4.5 各式感謝表現  
  A variety of expressions of gratitude

  Chapter 5 祝賀之相關表現
  5.1 一般祝賀  
  General celebration
  5.2 生日或紀念日的祝賀  
  Birthday and commemoration
  5.3 晉升或就職的祝賀  
  Celebration on promotion and accession

  Chapter 6 交易條件之相關表現
  6.1 說明認識對方的經過  
  Explain how you get to know the party
  6.2 詢問或交易條件等(1)  
  Expressions about inquiries and asking for business deals #1
  Expressions about inquiries and asking for business deals #2
  6.4 介紹公司  
  Expressions of introducing your company
  6.5 說明公司(1)  
  Expressions of explaining your company #1
  6.6 說明公司(2)  
  Expressions of explaining your company #2
  6.7 索取型錄˙資料等  
  Expressions about your catalogue
  6.8 詢問樣品或規格  
  Expressions about samples and specifications
  6.9 價格等交易條件的詢問  
  Expressions about prices
  6.10 庫存或交期等的確認  
  Expressions about inventories
  6.11 詢問的回答(1)  
  Expressions responding to inquiries #1
  6.12 詢問的回答(2)  
  Expressions about price estimation #2

  Chapter 7 條件與談判之相關表現
  7.1 報價談判 
  Expressions to use when negotiating prices and terms & conditions
  7.2 規格  
  Expressions about product specification
  7.3 出貨  
  Expressions about shipping products
  7.4 付款  
  Expressions about payment

  Chapter 8 合約之相關表現
  8.1 合約  
  Expressions about contracts
  8.2 訂貨  
  Expressions to use when placing Orders
  8.3 接受訂貨  
  Expressions to use when accepting orders
  8.4 出貨或交貨  
  Expressions about shipment and delivery of goodsGratitude for anniversary gifts

  Chapter 9 抱怨之相關表現
  9.1 交貨或延遲出貨  
  Expressions about delivery and shipment delays
  9.2 商品損壞等  
  Expressions about damaged goods etc.
  9.3 瑕疵品  
  Expressions of defective goods
  9.4 數量等項目不一致
  Expressions to use when indicating problems with figures, amounts and other quantities
  9.5 延遲付款
  Expressions about delayed payment
  9.6 抗議或警告(1)抗議
  Celebrations of promotions and advancements
  Expressions of Warning

  Chapter 10 賠罪之相關表現
  10.1 表示我方錯誤 
  Expressions of apologies for our misconduct
  10.2 瑕疵品 
  Expressions of apologies for our defective products
  10.3 延遲付款 
  Expressions of apologies for our delay of payment
  10.4 延誤回信˙對應 
  Expressions of apologies for the delay of our response to the customerChapter

  11 雇用˙就職之相關表現
  11.1 應徵 
  Expressions of Applying for Job openings
  11.2 面試等其他表現 
  Expressions at interviews
  11.3 結果通知等其他表現 
  Expressions of communicating results附錄 日常會話的表現