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Hong Kong Internment, 1942-1945:Life in the Japanese Civilian Camp at Stanley
Hong Kong Internment, 1942-1945:Life in the Japanese Civilian Camp at Stanley
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Hong Kong Internment, 1942-1945:Life in the Japanese Civilian Camp at Stanley

作者: Geoffrey Charles Emerson
出版社: 香港大學出版社
出版日期: 2011-07-01
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT790.00
市场价格: RM121.50
本店售价: RM106.90
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  Hong Kong Internment, 1942–1945: Life in the Japanese Civilian Camp at Stanley tells the story of the more than three thousand non-Chinese civilians: British, American, Dutch and others, who were trapped in the British colony and interned behind barbed wire in Stanley Internment Camp from 1942 to 1945.

  From 1970 to 1972, while researching for his MA thesis, the author interviewed twenty-three former Stanley internees. During these meetings, the internees talked about their lives in the Stanley Camp during the Japanese occupation.

  Long regarded as an invaluable reference and frequently consulted as a primary source on Stanley since its completion in 1973, the study is now republished with a new introduction and fresh discussions that recognize later work and information released since the original thesis was written. Additional illustrations, including a new map and photographs, as well as an up-to-date bibliography, have also been included in the book.


Geoffrey Charles Emerson

  Geoffrey Charles Emerson has lived in Hong Kong for more than forty years. He retired in 2000 from St Paul’s College, where he taught history and English and served as vice principal and careers master. He was president of the Hong Kong History Society and is a council member of the Royal Asiatic Society (Hong Kong Branch).
