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作者: 蔣志榆
出版社: 我識
出版日期: 2005-02-25
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT299.00
市场价格: RM46.00
本店售价: RM40.50
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▲ 178個最常使用的「狄克生片語」完全擷選,再增加各類考試最常出現之英文片語630個!
▲ 本書法寶—「辨析」、「重點說明」及「隨堂測驗」等,精確解析片語的正確使用方法!
▲ 每一句片語均附有「隨堂測驗」及「解答」,立即驗收學習成






Aa 片語系列
a bit 有一點兒;一些;少許
a bit of 一點兒;少許
a couple of 兩個;數個
a few 一些;幾個;好幾個
a good many 很多;相當多
a great deal of 大量的;很多的
a great many 很多;極多
a handful of 少量的;一把;很少
a kind of 有點兒;幾分
a large number of 大量的;許多

Bb 片語系列
be able to 能;會;有能力
be able to do sth. 會……;有能力做……
be about 關於
be about to 即將;就要……
be (fell) afraid of 害怕
be after 在……之後
be against 反對;不利於
be angry with 生某人的氣;為……而憤怒
be anxious about 為……而憂慮;為……而著急
be born 出生於

call at (a place) 參觀(某地);訪問(某地);(到某地)探望
call back 回電話
call for 要求;邀請;號召
call in 召集;來訪; 調集
call on 拜訪;訪問
care for 喜歡;願意;想要
carry off 奪走;搶走
carry on 繼續
carry out 貫徹;執行;實現;開展
catch a bus 趕公共汽車

date from 建於……;始於……
day after day 日復一日
day and night 夜以繼日
day by day 一天天地
deal with 處理;對待;克服
department store 百貨商場
depend on/upon 依靠;視……而定;信賴
devote to 把……獻給;把……用於
die from 死於
die of 死於……

each other 互相;彼此
early or late 遲早;早晚
earn one’s living 謀生
either…or 或者……或者……;不是……就是
end up 結束;終結
enjoy oneself 玩得高興;玩得愉快
even if /though 即使;既成;儘管
ever since從……起一直到現在

face to face 面對面;當面
fall asleep 睡著;入睡
fall behind 落在
fall ill 患病;生病
fall in love with 與……戀愛;愛上
fall off 跌落;掉下
fall over 跌倒;倒下
fall to pieces 崩潰;倒塌;摔碎
far away 遙遠
far from 離……遠;遠離……

generally speaking 通常;通常地講
get away 逃跑
get back 回來;返回;取回
get better (病情)好轉;病癒;(天氣)好轉
get down 下來;下沉
get down to 開始認真……;開始著手準備……
get dressed 穿衣服
get from 從……中取得;獲得
get home 回家
get in 進去;進入;收入;收穫

had better (best) 最好;應該;還是……為好
half an hour = a half hour 半小時
hand down 把……傳下來(發下去)
hand in 上交;遞交;提交
hand in hand 並進;聯合;手拉手
hand out 發放;分發
hands up 舉手
happen on/upon 偶然遇見;碰到
have a baby 生孩子
have a connection with 與……有關

in a flash 一剎那
in a hurry 匆匆忙忙地;很快地
in a way 有點兒;在某點(種程度)上
in all 總共;總計
in bed 睡在床上
in battle 在戰鬥中
in case 假使;如果;萬一;免得
in case of 萬一;假使
in charge of 在危險中
in common 共同點;系統之處

join in 參加
join up 聯接起來;聯合起來
juggle with 玩弄;耍弄
jump into 跳進
just a moment 等一會兒
just now 現在;馬上;立即
just then 正在那時

keep a (one’s) promise 答應;允諾
keep a record (of) 做記錄;保持記錄
keep alive 活下來;繼續活著
keep away from 離開;讓開
keep busy (一直)忙碌
keep doing sth. 不斷(不停)地做某事
keep figure 保持體形
keep fit 保持健康;保持體形
keep healthy 保持健康
keep in touch (with) 保持聯繫

late on 以後;過後;後來
laugh at 嘲笑;譏笑;因……而笑
lead a simple life 過著儉樸的生活;生活儉樸
lead the way 引路;帶路
lead to 嚮導;導致
learn by heart 記住;背誦
learn from 向……學習;從……學到
leave a message 留話;留言
leave out 省掉;漏掉
less than 少於;不到

made a decision 作出決定
make a fire 生火
make a good effort 作出很大努力
make a mistake 犯錯誤;出差錯
make a noise 吵鬧;發出響聲
make a plan for 為……作計畫
make a promise 答應;允許
make (a) record 錄製唱片(錄音帶)
make a speech 發表演講;做報告
make an effort 盡心;努力

near by 在附近;接近
neck and neck 齊頭並進;勢均力敵
neither…nor 既不……也不
next to 接近;靠近;與……臨近
never mind 不要緊;沒關係
nice to see you 見到您很高興
no doubt 無疑;毫無疑問
no hurry 不忙;不必著急
no less than 不少於;至少
no longer 不再

of one’s own (屬於某人)自己的
of course 當然;自然;毫無疑問
on and on 不停地;不斷地
on average 平均
on board 在船上;上船(飛機、公車)
on duty 值日;當班;上班
on earth 地球上;世界上;究竟;到底
on fire 著火
on foot 步行;徒步
on holiday 度假

pass on 傳遍;把……傳遞給……
pay a visit 拜訪;訪問
pay attention to 注意
pay back 償還;歸還;報答
pay for (sth.) 支付;為……付出(代價)
pay off 償清(欠款等)
persist in 堅持
pick out 排出;撿出
pick up 撿起;拾起
place of interest 名勝

rather than 而不;非;不是
refer to 談到;涉及;指
remind sb. of 使某人想起
result in 導致;結果
return to 返回;回到;恢復
right away 立刻;馬上
right now 現在;剛剛;馬上
ring back 回電話
ing up (給某人)打電話
roll over (使)翻滾;打滾

save one’s life 救了某人的命
say hello/hi to ……向某人打招呼
scores of 許多;大量
see sb. off 為某人送行
see the (a) doctor 看病
see to 注意
seeing (that) 既然;由於
sell out 賣完;脫銷;出售
send away 開除;攆走;解雇
send for 派人去叫

take a look at 看一眼;看一下
take a photograph of 照一張……的照片
take a rest 休息一會兒
take a walk 散步
take along 隨身帶著……;帶著……一起
take an action 採取行動
take an interest in 對……感興趣
take away 拿走;離開
take… by surprise 使……吃驚;突襲
take care of 小心;照看;注意

up and down 上上下下
use one’s head 動腦筋;仔細考慮
used to (過去)常做

very well 可以

wait for 等待
wake up 醒;醒來
wake…up 弄(某人)醒
walk along 沿……走;向前走;散步
want a go 想要試一試
watch out 留神;小心
wear out 穿破;磨損;耗勁
What about…?(徵求意見、詢問消息)……好不好?……怎麼樣?
What’s wrong (with…) ? ……怎麼啦(問病情)?
with one’s help 在……的幫助下

year after year 年年;年復一年地
year by year 年復一年地

1. a bit 一點兒;一些
He doesn’t care a bit. 他一點兒都不在乎。�
 This box is a bit heavier than that one.這只箱子比那只重一些。
[辨析] a bit / a little
The coat looks a bit /a little large.
(1)a bit 後面不能直接接名詞(見右列重點說明),a little 則可以。如:
There is a little rice in the bowl.
(2)它們的否定式意思完全不同。not a bit 表示「一點也不」如:
Tom wasn’t a bit surprised.
(3)not a little 表示「非常、很」如:
Tom wasn’t a little surprised .
1.a bit 可作程度副詞使用,修飾動詞、形容詞等。
2.a bit 後面不能直接接名詞,接名詞要用a bit of 如:
Give me a bit of ink .

1. If the ball had hit the window____harder, it would have broken it.
A. a little B. a bit C. bit D. a few
2. This colour is light for me.
A. a few B. bit C. a bit D. few
3. Mary like this book more than Peter.
A. very B. a bit C. bit D. a few
2. a bit of 一點兒;少量的
She knows a bit of Spanish.
Woule you give me a bit of money?

1. He is ___a coward.
A. a little of B. a bit of C. a bit D. bit
2. I’d like soft drink.
A. a bit of B. a few C. bit D. few
3. I want high salary, but the boss only give me money.
A. many B. a bit C. a bit of D. a lot
3. a couple of 兩個;數個
We will finish the work in a couple of days.
She would make some coffee and boil a couple of eggs.
[辨析] a couple of / a pair of
a pair of 意指兩個相匹配的事物,即兩個事物組成的一對,其中缺一不可,如:鞋、襪、剪刀等。而a couple of指兩個不一定相匹配的事物,或表示「三兩個」、「幾個」,這一不確定的數量概念,它主要用於口語。

1. I found __________ socks in the bedroom but they didn’t make a pair.
A. couple B. a couple of C. a couples of D. a pair
2. Tom bought bowls in the supermarket yesterday.
A. couple B. a couple of C. a pair D. a couple
3. Her mother has lived London for years.
A. a pair of B. a pair C. a couple of D. couple