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Five Lectures on Chinese Poetry(限台灣)
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Five Lectures on Chinese Poetry(限台灣)

作者: Prof. Lu Zhiwei
出版社: 書林出版有限公司
出版日期: 1990-10-30
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT120.00
市场价格: RM18.90
本店售价: RM18.90
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”To me Chinese poetry is not material which I understand intellectually but it is an experience which approaches rapture.” So remarked Prof. Lu Zhiwei ( C. W. Luh ). Here in these lectures, Prof. Lu shares his experience with the reader. He opens the main gate of Chinese poetry to the reader and guide them to the reception hall. He recreates the mood and impression of famous Chinese poems so as to reveal to the reader the spirit of the genre of literature of which the Chinese are so proud. He explains ”jargons and echolalias” to remove for the reader the obstacles to the understanding of Chinese poetry. He introduces to the reader the literary poetry and its patterns, ancient and modern folk songs, artistry of Chinese poetry, famous Chinese poets and poems written in vernacular Chinese. These lectures are, therefore, essential readings for full enjoyment of Chinese poetry. Translators will also gain a deeper insight into the ”rough, exotic, kaleidoscopic” language structure of Chinese poets which has always been a stumbling block for one who attempts translation.


  • Literary Poetry and Its Patterns
  • Folk Songs Ancient and Modern
  • Poetic Artistry
  • The Poet
  • Writing in the Vernacular
  • Biographical Note