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Torn Between Desires: Exploring the Depths of Mental Health and Compulsive Shopping

Torn Between Desires: Exploring the Depths of Mental Health and Compulsive Shopping

作者: Dayana Sobri
出版社: Gerakbudaya Enterprise
出版日期: 2024/05/15
商品库存: 20
市场价格: RM35.00
本店售价: RM31.50
购买此商品可使用: 100 积分
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 Book Description:

“Torn Between Desires: Exploring the Depths of Mental Health and Compulsive Shopping” is a compelling non-fiction exploration of the complex relationship between mental illness and shopping. In this insightful book, we delve into the profound impact that consumerism and the shopping culture have on individuals struggling with various mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders, depression, and compulsive buying disorders.

Drawing from extensive research and personal stories, this book unveils the intricate connections between mental well-being and the allure of shopping. It sheds light on how shopping can become a coping mechanism, an attempt to find solace or escape from emotional distress, or a temporary distraction from underlying mental health issues.

The book goes slightly beyond the surface-level understanding of compulsive buying or excessive materialism, exploring the intricate ways mental health intersects with consumerism.  Throughout the chapters, readers gain some insights into the psychological processes behind shopping as a means to self-soothe, regulate emotions, or compensate for unmet needs. It explores the fine line between healthy indulgence and destructive behaviour, helping readers identify warning signs and understand the underlying psychological drivers.

Torn Between Desires: Exploring the Depths of Mental Health and Compulsive Shopping also examines the challenges faced by individuals with mental illness in navigating a consumer-driven society. It discusses the financial implications, the accumulation of debt, and the potential for worsening mental health symptoms due to the stressors associated with shopping and consumer culture. Furthermore, the book offers guidance on self-reflection, mindful consumption, and seeking professional help when needed.

The book serves as a friendly resource for individuals battling mental illness, their loved ones, mental health professionals, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the profound connections between mental health and shopping habits. By shedding light on this often-neglected topic, the book aims to foster empathy, destigmatize mental illness, and inspire positive change in our relationship with consumerism for the sake of mental well-being.