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作者: Judd Piggott、Vera Chen
出版社: EZ叢書館
出版日期: 2011-11-04
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 「謝謝」只會 Thank you?瞎!
「不客氣」只會 You’re welcome?遜!

  臨時需要一句話,英文怎麼說得流利又道地?背了幾千個單字,哪些真的派得上用場?《會話最常用的一句,英文怎麼說?》讓你利用已經會的單字,輕鬆變換新花樣,說出一口流利英文。本書以日常會話需求為主題,內容實用、貼近英美文化,讓你英文不 NG。


  和朋友講電話時,手機訊號突然時有時無,想要跟對方說「你的聲音斷斷續續喔。」用 cut 這個簡單的字就可以表達了。講到 cut 可能你就會想到「切、砍、削」,斷訊就是 cutting in and out,意指「聲音被切得斷斷續續的」,是不是輕鬆就聯想到斷訊呢?所以,「你的聲音斷斷續續的……」就是 You’re cutting in and out. 唯一用到的單字就是 cut!本書讓你利用學會的單字現學現賣,不僅學了新的用法,也能運用到日常會話上。

  全書涵蓋 34 個生活主題,每個主題皆列出 5 至 8 個需要用到同一句話的不同情境,每情境又額外列出 3 種不同表達法,讓讀者舉一反三,靈活運用!

  特色3:全書收錄 192 個日常狀況&情境
  全書依據主題分類列出 192 個情境供檢索,馬上隨查、即用,馬上派上用場,在臨時的狀況下,給你最道地、最需要的那一句話。


  隨書附贈【專業外籍老師錄製 MP3】,不僅提昇口語能力,也同步練習英文聽力!依書中 192 個狀況依序編號,方便搜尋查找。使用方式如下:

  1. 出門前趕快翻到需要用的情境,先聽聽每課 MP3 一開頭的「英文怎麼說?」所列出的 2 至 3 句話,存有一些印象。

  2. 出門把書帶身上,搭配不同狀況,臨時想說某句話時,馬上查找、馬上聽,馬上說一句!

  1. 依照本書使用頻率高低所安排的結構,第一章就是怎麼說「謝謝!」戴上耳機就能跟著情境一課一課把會話最常用的一句話都學上手!

  2. 跟著每課一開頭「英文怎麼說?」例句,大聲跟著 MP3 朗讀,讓腦中的這句話不只有視覺印象,還結合聽覺、嘴型印象,以後想說什麼自然就說出口。

  3. 覺得只有一句話還不夠味?搭配聆聽「英文情境劇」,想知道一句話實際被使用情形,直接用廣播劇「演」給你聽!加強印象,增添學習趣味!


Judd Piggott

  EZ Talk 美語會話誌總編審
  曾擔任國家中央圖書館編譯、光華雜誌譯者、時代雜誌中文解讀版 TIME Express 總編審

Vera Chen

  EZ Talk 美語會話誌執行顧問


UNIT 01表達不必費心:不客氣!英文怎麼說?
不用謝我了。No need to thank me.
您別掛心。Don’t worry about it.
我願為爸爸做任何事。Anything for my dad!
我們想這麼做!We wanted to!
樂意效勞。It’s my pleasure.

UNIT 02 客套寒喧打招呼:你好嗎? 英文怎麼說?
我們終於見面了!Finally! We meet in person!
妳最近好嗎?身體好一點了沒?How have you been? Are you feeling better?
請自便。Make yourself at home.
妳最近都在幹嘛?What have you been up to?
好久沒看到你了。It’s been way too long.

UNIT 03 表達久違了:好久不見!英文怎麼說?
你去了好多年喔!You were gone for ages!
好久不見,對吧?It’s been too long, hasn’t it?
這都多久沒見了啊?How long has it been?
自從上次共度耶誕節以來,已經好一段時間不見了!It’s been so long since we spent Christmas together!

UNIT 04 表達關心:你還好嗎?英文怎麼說?
休息一下吧。Take a break.
別激動。Calm down.
聽到這個消息真令人難過。I’m sorry to hear that.
別擔心。Don’t worry.

UNIT 05表達道歉:對不起!英文怎麼說?
我很抱歉,那是我的疏失。My apologies. That was my mistake.
我很抱歉讓你在那樣的情況下發現。I’m so sorry you had to find out like this.
先生,我很抱歉必須告訴你,這裡不能抽菸。I regret to tell you that you can’t smoke here, sir.
很抱歉,我不是故意撞上你。I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you.

UNIT 06 表達原諒: 沒關係,已經沒事了。英文怎麼說?
沒事,已經處理好了。It’s already been taken care of.
沒那麼嚴重,真的!You don’t have to do that. It’s not that bad, really!
我想我們算是和好了吧。我還撐得下去。I guess we’re OK. I’ll survive.
凱希不是故意的。不會有事的。Casey didn’t mean to. You’ll be fine.

UNIT 07表達拒絕:不了,不了!英文怎麼說?
我不去了。I’ll have to pass.
我不想出去。I don’t feel like going out.
媽咪現在很忙啦!Mommy is busy right now!
我手上的工作實在太多了。Sorry, I’ve got too much on my plate right now.

UNIT 08 表達感謝:真是謝了!英文怎麼說? 
我想送妳這張禮卷儲值卡,表達我們的謝意。I’d like to give you this gift card to show our appreciation.
你太客氣了!You shouldn’t have.
我很感恩有這些美味的食物、美麗的房子,還有好朋友。I’m grateful for this tasty food, nice house and

 good friends.
你真是我的救星!You’re a lifesaver!
媽媽,妳最棒了!Mom, you’re the best!

UNIT 09 自我介紹:嗨!我是-,英文怎麼說?
我是獅子座,因此很需要別人注意我。I’m a Leo, so I need lots of attention.
我是主修人類學的學生。I’m an anthropology major.
你是???And you are…?
嗨。我叫丹,新來的廣告 AE。Hi. I’m Dan, the new account executive.

UNIT 10 表達個人看法:我覺得…… ,英文怎麼說?
我覺得……The way I see it…
在我看來……If you ask me…
恕我直言……With all due respect…
依我看……It seems to me like…

UNIT 11表達同意:你說的沒錯!英文怎麼說?
你說得對!I think you’re right.
你把我要說的話說出來了。You took the words right out of my mouth.
我們都很贊同。We’re all in favor of it.
我完全同意。I couldn’t agree more.

UNIT 12 表達不認同、不同意:我聽你在鬼扯!英文怎麼說?
恕難同意。I beg to differ.
時代已經不同了。Times have changed.
我不這樣認為。I don’t think so.
那是你自己的解讀。That was your interpretation of our agreement.

UNIT 13表達不滿:我要抓狂了!英文怎麼說?
你愈弄愈糟You’re making it worse.
你是在開玩笑吧!You’ve got to be kidding me!
你要讓我抓狂了!You’re driving me crazy!
我受夠你這些藉口了!I’ve had enough of your excuses!

UNIT 14 答應、承諾對方:沒問題!英文怎麼說?
我會小心。爸,我保證。I’ll be careful, Dad. I promise!
如果你堅持,我就留下來吃飯。OK, if you insist. I’d love to try your cooking.
沒問題。Will do.
是的,媽咪。我會當個乖女孩。Yes, Mommy. I’ll be a good girl.

UNIT 15 表達高興:我好開心!英文怎麼說?
我超高興的!I’m so stoked!
我很高興能與貴公司共事。I’m so excited to be working with you all.
耶!我也抓到大魚了!Yay! I caught a big one, too!
暑假,我來囉!Summer vacation, here I come!

UNIT 16表達慶幸:鬆了一口氣!英文怎麼說?
真是如釋重負。That’s a load off my mind.
這實在是天大的好消息。That’s music to my ears.
感謝上帝帶來的奇蹟。Thank God for small miracles!
還好我沒有因為惹妳生氣,而得看妳臉色。I’m so glad I’m not in the doghouse.

UNIT 17表達考慮、敷衍:我考慮考慮! 英文怎麼說?
我們還是待會兒再來傷腦筋吧。We’ll worry about that later.
我現在要進隧道了I’m going through a tunnel….
讓我考慮一下。Let me think about it.
我不予置評。I’m not going to comment.

UNIT 18 表達焦慮不安、冒冷汗:好緊張喔!英文怎麼說?
期末考讓我好緊張。I’m really stressed about the final.
慘了,他受傷了嗎?Oh, no! Is he hurt?
我會怯場!I have stage fright!
我恐怕沒辦法及時瘦下來。I’m afraid I won’t be able to slim down in time.

UNIT 19表達百無聊賴:這個人真無聊!英文怎麼說?
這個主管真是廢話連篇。The manager is such a windbag.
我最受不了排隊,讓我覺得自己是在浪費生命。Waiting in line is my pet peeve. I feel like I’m wasting my life away.
我的眼睛都快睜不開了。I can barely keep my eyes open.
生病無聊死了。Being sick is so boring.

UNIT 20表達抱怨:豈有此理!英文怎麼說?
你該成熟一點了!You need to grow up!
我受不了再看你在家裡閒晃了。I’m sick and tired of you lazing around the house.
我受不了這種沉悶的下雨天了。I’m getting tired of these dreary, rainy days.
他根本不把我當人看。He walks all over me.

UNIT 21平息爭論:別鬧了!英文怎麼說?
冷靜一下!Chill out!
別再鬧了,好嗎?│Stop whining, OK?
小聲一點!Lower your voice!
別再吵了!Cut it out!

UNIT 22 表達憂慮:擔心死了!英文怎麼說?
我最放心不下的就是拋下你和孩子們。My biggest concern is leaving you and the kids alone.
我心中曾經閃過這個念頭。The thought has crossed my mind before.
我感覺不妙。我覺得我的機會不大。I have a bad feeling about it. I don’t think my chances are good.
我擔心死了,我怕會錯過會議。I’m worried to death that I’ll miss my meeting.

UNIT 23表達後悔:早知道就聽你的。英文怎麼說?
早知道就不要下高速公路。We shouldn’t have gotten off the highway.
要是知道份量這麼大,我就會少點一些了。If I’d known the portions were so big I would’ve ordered less.
我真該聽媽媽的話。I should’ve just listened to my mom.│
我實在應該早點上路。I really should’ve hit the road earlier.

UNIT 24 尋求協助、幫忙:請幫幫我!英文怎麼說?
請快點好嗎?Please hurry.
你能幫我安排其他航班嗎?Can you help me get on another flight?
妳能從門底下拿幾張衛生紙給我嗎?Could you hand me some under the door?
你能幫我搞懂這個嗎?Can you help me make sense of this?

UNIT 25辯解、耍賴:不是我的錯!英文怎麼說
我的業績有點低,但目前這個經濟狀況沒人在消費。My sales figures are a little low, but nobody’s buying in this economy.
我上星期早就把報告給你的助理了。I gave the report to your assistant last week.
但我以為你有帶。But I thought you were bringing it.
不是我做的。I didn’t do it.

UNIT 26打開話題:妳看起來好眼熟!英文怎麼說?
今晚餐點還滿意嗎?How was your meal this evening?
妳知道這是什麼蔬菜嗎?Do you know what vegetable this is?
嘿,妳上週五是不是也有來?Hey, weren’t you here last Friday?
好可愛的狗!What a cute puppy!

UNIT 27提出問題:請問一下英文怎麼說?
請問我們考試會考這個嗎?Are we going to be tested on this?
妳跑到哪裡去了?Where have you been?
他的病有藥醫嗎?Is his condition treatable?
怎麼會發生這種事?How could this have happened?

UNIT 28確認對方的意思:你是指?英文怎麼說?
我只是想確定我的理解沒有錯誤。I just want to make sure I understand this correctly.
所以你是答應了嗎?Does that mean yes?
但為了確定我們沒有雞同鴨講。But just to make sure we’re all on the same page.
我不確定是否了解你的意思……I’m not sure I understand what you mean by…

UNIT 29表達道賀送禮:佳節愉快!英文怎麼說?
這是給新娘的一點小心意!祝她永遠性感火辣!Here’s a little something for the bride! May she never lose her hotness!
這是送給我的寶貝的情人節禮物。情人節快樂,甜心!For my valentine on Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart!
這是給我可愛女兒的。耶誕快樂,小寶貝!This is for my little girl.  Merry Christmas, pumpkin!
這是給壽星的禮物!四十歲生日快樂!祝你長命百歲!This is for the birthday boy! Happy fortieth! May you live to be a hundred!

UNIT 30表達好奇:我不是要探隱私,英文怎麼說?
或許這不關我的事This may be none of my business...
我希望妳不介意我這樣問I hope you don’t mind my asking…
誰能告訴我發生什麼事啦!Someone tell me what’s going on!
快告訴我內幕消息!Give me the scoop!

UNIT 31問對未來的打算:你下一步有什麼打算?英文怎麼說?
你有安排好另一個工作嗎?Are you going to start looking for a new job right away?
你想要一輩子在麥當勞工作嗎?Do you want to work at McDonald’s your whole life?
你有什麼計畫?What are your plans?
你的職涯目標是什麼?What are your career goals?

UNIT 32關心他人健康:你有受傷嗎?英文怎麼說?
你看起來好像很痛。You look like you’re in pain.
有流血嗎?Is it bleeding?
你有受傷嗎?Are you injured?
我們都祝你早日康復。We’re all praying for your speedy recovery.

UNIT 33 分享喜悅:你們現在是有屋一族了!英文怎麼說?
你們真是天生一對,恭喜!You guys make a perfect couple. Congratulations!
恭喜,你們現在是有屋一族了!Congrats! You’re a homeowner now!
你手氣真旺!You’re really on a roll!
恭喜,漫長的等待終於結束了!Congratulations! The lonely nights are over!

UNIT 34請假:我的預產期是本週五。英文怎麼說?
我想是否能請半天假?I was wondering if I could take a half day off.
我今天早上不能進公司了。I won’t be able to make it in this morning.
我兒子發燒,今天不能去學校了。He’s running a fever and won’t be able to make it to school today.
下禮拜三開始。I’d like to start next Wednesday.