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Dracula (25K+1CD)

作者: Bram Stoker/原著;Brian J. Stuart/改寫
出版社: 寂天
出版日期: 2010-07-05
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT200.00
市场价格: RM30.42
本店售价: RM27.08
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  The story begins with the Englishman Jonathan Harker heading to meet Count Dracula, who lives in an old castle in Transylvania, Rumania. Harker is easy prey to the temptations of Count Dracula, who tricks Harker under the pretense of purchasing a house in London.
  Dracula is really a vampire, who exists only by drinking the blood of living people. The vampire has lived for several centuries in his castle with three female vampires. Throughout his stay in the castle, Harker is seized with fear and suspicion. As he becomes aware that he is being held captive by Dracula, Harker takes decisive action at the risk of his own life to escape from the vampire’s castle.

  Meanwhile, Harker’s fiancee, Mina, lives together with her friend Lucy. Lucy suddenly starts going outside their home at night. Mina becomes worried about Lucy turning paler and paler every day as her strange behavior continues . . .


  「Reading Room」是為增進英語學習者的英語閱讀與聽力,而所精心改寫的一套文學改編著作,分為初級至中高級共5級,供不同程度的學習者閱讀。



  1. 程度分級:依學習者的英語能力將全套書分五個等級,由入門的初級到中高級,從 350字的短篇故事到1,000字的中篇作品,提供方便的選擇與多元的學習類型。

  2. 精彩插畫:全書配合故事情境,搭配豐富精彩的插圖,讓閱讀處處充滿想像力與樂趣。

  3. 精選廣泛作品類型:為提升讀者視野,本套書精選各領域著名作品,包括童話、宗教、文學、歌劇等不同類型的作品,使讀者在閱讀之外,也能有更寬廣的文學涉獵。


Bram Stoker

  Bram Stoker 1847年出生於都柏林郊區的克隆塔夫,他是愛爾蘭籍的英國小說家。1897年出版了以吸血鬼為題材的哥德式恐怖小說 《吸血鬼》(Dracula) 並因此成名,這本小說和另一位愛爾蘭作家Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu的《女吸血鬼卡蜜拉》(Camilla) 一起成為吸血鬼文學的經典小說。

  Bram Stoker was born on November 8, 1847, in Dublin, Ireland. During his childhood he was physically weak and often bedridden. He loved reading and writing in his youth, and he wanted to become a writer someday despite his father’s intense opposition. After graduating from Trinity College, he became a civil servant.

  Stoker faithfully fulfilled his job duties and also worked as a writer. In addition to his first published work, Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland, which was published in 1879, many more of his long and short stories were published. In 1897, Stoker's Gothic horror novel Dracula won his worldwide fame. He was a genuine, tireless writer who devoted himself to writing until his death on April 20, 1912.


Chapter One Journey to Transylvania 外西凡尼亞之旅
Chapter Two Prisoner in Castle Dracula 德古拉城堡的囚犯
Chapter Three The Ship of Doom 死亡之船
Chapter Four Danger in the Night 黑暗的威脅
Chapter Five The Beautiful Lady 美麗的女士
Chapter Six The Hunt for Dracula 追捕德古拉