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The Happy Prince and Other Tales (25K)
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The Happy Prince and Other Tales (25K)

作者: 奧斯卡.王爾德
出版社: 寂天
出版日期: 2006-08-23
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT150.00
市场价格: RM22.82
本店售价: RM20.31
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  天才洋溢的奧斯卡.王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854~1900)出生於愛爾蘭,被譽為十九世紀的英國才子。不到三十歲就已在文壇頭角崢嶸,他在詩歌、童話、小說和藝術評論等方面都有了不起的成就,特別是童話。他的第一部值得注意的著作,就是1888年出版的童話《快樂王子》,這本書可稱得上是世界兒童文學的經典之作。童話創作奠定了他在文壇上的影響力,也樹立了他獨特的寫作風格。

  《快樂王子》至今依然是英國最著名的童話作品之一,多次再版。共收錄了五個故事,包括:〈快樂王子〉(The Happy Prince)、〈夜鶯與玫瑰〉(The Nightingale and the Rose)、〈自私的巨人〉(The Selfish Giant)、〈忠實的朋友〉(The Devoted Friend)、〈了不起的火箭〉(The Remarkable Rocket)。

  The Happy Prince and Other Stories, first published in 1888, is an collection of stories for children by Irish author and wit Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) . These beautifully written modern fairy tales intended for reading to children but also with a message for adults. In these tales, most of them being sad, Oscar Wilde looks for a way to save one's soul in front of the unhappiness of the world.

The stories included in this collection are:
1. The Happy Prince
2. The Nightingale and the Rose
3. The Selfish Giant
4. The Devoted Friend
5. The Remarkable Rocket


奧斯卡.王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854~1900)


  An Irish-born playwright, novelist, poet, and wit who spent most of his career in England. Wilde was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London. His best-known works include the play The Importance of Being Earnest and the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.

  Wilde was also well known for his role in the aesthetic and decadent movements. He was the chief proponent of the aesthetic movement, based on the principle of art for art’s sake. Wilde was convicted of homosexual activity and spent about two years in prison. After his release, he wrote the famous poem “The Ballad of Reading Gaol” (1897). It is based on his experiences there and its main theme is the death penalty.
