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美國人365天都在用的英文片語:告別老祖母級古董片語,轉戰最新最實用的Barron’s片語動詞(1書+ 1 MP3)
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美國人365天都在用的英文片語:告別老祖母級古董片語,轉戰最新最實用的Barron’s片語動詞(1書+ 1 MP3)

作者: Carl W. Hart
出版社: 貝塔
出版日期: 2009-07-09
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT320.00
市场价格: RM48.68
本店售价: RM43.32
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20個「FOCUS ON」,詳解片語動詞使用原則:
  全書中共有20篇「FOCUS ON」說明片語動詞相關的學習焦點,包含文法、分類、發音、質詞和副詞的搭配,是市面上最紮實、最豐富詳盡的英文片語動詞書籍。




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1.come from/figure out/give back/look for/put on/run into/show up/take off
Focus on:可分離與不可分離片語動詞
2.come off/doze off/fall for/give in/hear about/pull through/stay off/throw up
3.feel up to/get over with/go along with/go in for/look forward to/put up with/screw out of
/talk down to
Focus on:三字片語動詞
4.cheat on/go after/look up/pay for/plan for/point to/put to/wrap up
5.break down/burn down/call in/find out/hand back/look at/pile up/set up
Focus on:片語動詞的重音
6.boil down to/come down with/come up with/get around to/get out of/go back on/go through with/monkey  
around with
7.cut up/hold up/let out/point out/run over/see about/take apart/take in
Focus on:可分離片語動詞 + 較長的受詞
8.burn out/fall ove/fight back/hear of/pick out/ring up/tear down/work in
9. Focus on:二字片語動詞 + 另一個質詞 + 受詞
break out/catch up/chicken out/get along/give up/hang up/hook up/work up
10.fall off/fill in/go ahead/grow up/hand out/kick back/lay off/screw up
Focus on:片語動詞當名詞
11.back up/cut off/drop off/follow up/take out/try out/wake up/work out
Focus on:複合名詞中的片語動詞
12.back off/come across/come up/fall through/put up/screw on/sign in/sign out
13.call off/close off/hand in/hit on/leave off/let off/light up/track down
14.butt in/dress up/dry up/fill out/put away/stick up/use up/wind up
15.blow away/come through/dry out/fix up/go with/head back/head for/tell on
16.believe in/carry on/count on/get through/go for/hold off/put past/think about
17.come over/fall apart/get back at/go about/grow out of/head into/rip up/wear down
18.break through/figure on/get off/go beyond/lift up/line up/stand around/tell apart
Focus on:片語動詞以及can、could、will 和 would
19.aim at/bring back/bring over/cool off/go back/hand over/pull over/warm up
20.end up/go around/go off/go on/hang around/lie around/start out/stay up
21.look around/look over/pick on/settle down/step on/take out on/think ahead/zip up
Focus on:片語動詞與should 和 ought to
22. burn up/clear up/count up/eat up/heat up/pay up/plug up/wipe up
Focus on:質詞up 和 副詞right及all
23.crack down/cut down/drop out/get away/hold out/make up/stay out/watch out
24.come down/let up/print out/shake up/show off/slow down/stop over/trade in
25.do with/have on/hurry up/knock over/lighten up/plan ahead/settle for/think up
Focus on:片語動詞和have to、have got to 及 must
26.get together/go over/go up/let in on/open up/put together/shut off/start up
27.Focus on:質詞是off的片語動詞
bite off/break off/dry off/knock off/tear off/wash off/wear off/wipe off
28.beef up/break up/call back/call up/carry out/give away/mess up/stand up
29.ask for/come apart/drop in/flip out/look out/luck out/make out/run across
30.lock in/lock out/punch in/punch out/put out/sort out/space out/wash up
31.care for/cut out/do away with/do without/look into/plan on/put off/rule out
32.Focus on:質詞是out的片語動詞
clean out/clear out/come out/empty out/fall out/go out/leave out/stick out
33.blow up/catch on/come about/fall behind/goof around/help out/know about/pull off
34.do over/float around/lead up to/put up to/stand for/stick around/stick to/take back
35.fool around/go by/hold against/leave behind/live with/make of/narrow down/trick into
36. Focus on:質詞是down的片語動詞
back down/calm down/fall down/go down/lay down/put down/run down/sit down
37.brush off/come on/cover up/hang out/leave over/let down/pay off/talk to
38.keep at/keep away/keep down/keep from/keep off/keep on/keep to/keep up
Focus on:以動詞 keep 組成的片語動詞
39.chop up/cross off/fill up/pick up/sell out/straighten out/take over/wipe out
40.blow off/bring up/burst out/come back/get off on/go away/run around/stick with
41.Focus on:二字片語動詞的in接受詞改成into
break in/check in/check out/go in/let in/plug in/sneak in/sneak out
42.get back/get behind/get by/get down/get in/get out/get over/get up
Focus on:動詞get的片語動詞
43.blow out/give out/gross out/head toward/run up/shut up/stop off/try on
44.beat up/carry away/kick out/lock up/mix up/piss off/rip off/stress out
Focus on:動詞get+分詞形容詞或被動式之片語動詞
45.turn down/turn in/turn into/turn off/turn on/turn out/turn over/turn up
46.build in/bump into/con into/ con out of/freak out/make for/talk into/talk out of
47.brush up/come in/cut back/move in/move out/pull out/put in/run out
Focus on:不需要動詞的質詞
48.close down/knock out/look down on/look up to/put back/switch off/switch on/throw out
49.clog up/get ahead/get back to/get on/get to/hang on/start off/throw away
Focus on:動詞get和質詞right、back、to的各種組合
50.ask out/come down to/deal with/hold on/pay back/take up on/turn around/wear out
Index 索引