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The Man Who Built A Castle
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The Man Who Built A Castle

作者: James Michael Gibby, A.K.A Mike Gibby
出版社: Entrepot Penang
出版日期: 2024
商品库存: 19
市场价格: RM49.90
本店售价: RM44.91
购买此商品可使用: 200 积分
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Book Description:

So many tales are told about Kellie's Castle, about ghosts, and secret tunnels - but are they true? What is the real story? Who built the castle, and why?

In these pages, you will meet the young Scotsman, William Kellie Smith, who came to Perak aged 19, and built roads and railways before making a fortune as a planter at the height of the rubber boom. Here too you will meet his wife Agnes, learn the truth about their romance aboard a ship, and why they built their castle, now one of Malaysia's most famous landmarks.

William was ambitious, and also planned to create the first hill resort in the Cameron Highlands.

Here is the truth about Kellie's Castle, its three lives, and how it was abandoned then reclaimed from the forest. This is a beautifully illustrated book with many previously unpublished photographs.

Author Bio:

Mike Gibby is a retired educator, born in England, but who has spent the majority of his life in southeast Asia. While he has traveled widely throughout the world, visiting many of its most beautiful and iconic places, he made his home in Malaysia. His published books reveal a fascination for the unique beauty and charm of Malaysia. Married, with two daughters, Mike lives in Penang.