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Scottish Mandarin:The Life and Times of Sir Reginald Johnston
Scottish Mandarin:The Life and Times of Sir Reginald Johnston
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Scottish Mandarin:The Life and Times of Sir Reginald Johnston

作者: Shiona Airlie
出版社: 香港大學出版社
出版日期: 2012-11-16
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT1332.00
市场价格: RM204.90
本店售价: RM180.30
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详细介绍 商品属性 商品标记

  Colonial administrator, writer, explorer, Buddhist, and friend to China's last emperor, Sir Reginald Johnston (1874–1938) was a distinguished sinologist with a tangled love and family life that he kept secret even from his closest friends. Born and educated in Edinburgh, he began his career in the colony of Hong Kong and eventually became Commissioner of the remote British leased territory of Weihai in northern China. He travelled widely and, during a break from colonial service, served as tutor and advisor to Puyi, the deposed emperor. As the only foreigner allowed to work in the Forbidden City, he wrote the classic account of the last days of the Qing Dynasty—Twilight in the Forbidden City.

  Granted unique access to Johnston's extensive personal papers, once thought to be lost, Shiona Airlie tells the life of a complex and sensitive character whose career made a deep impression on 20th-century China.


  Shiona Airlie is the author of Thistle and Bamboo: The Life and Times of Sir James Stewart Lockhart.
